Home > git-documentdb > DatabaseOptions
DatabaseOptions typeDatabase Options
RemarkslocalDir and dbName are OS-specific options.
It is recommended to use ASCII characters and case-insensitive names for cross-platform.localDir - A local directory path that stores repositories of GitDocumentDB.
Default is './gitddb'.
A directory name allows Unicode characters except for OS reserved filenames and the following characters: < > : " | ? * ¥0.
A colon : is generally not allowed, but a Windows drive letter followed by a colon is allowed. e.g.) C: D:
A directory name cannot end with a period or a white space but the current directory . and the parent directory .. are allowed.
A trailing slash / could be omitted.
dbName - A name of a git repository
dbName allows Unicode characters except for OS reserved filenames and the following characters: < > : " ¥ / \ | ? * ¥0.
dbName cannot end with a period or a white space.
dbName does not allow '.' and '..'.
logLevel - Default is 'info'.
schema - Schema for a specific document type.
serializeFormat - Format for serialization
logToTransport - logToTransport function for all log levels. See https://tslog.js.org/\#/?id=transports
logColorEnabled - Enable color for console log. Default is true. When you write log into a file by logToTransport, false is recommended.